Dutch history - people, events and monuments (expatINFOholland)

For expats in Netherlands, here are some important figures and events from Dutch history which impacted the development of the country, and monuments that remember them in The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and elsewhere in Holland. They are listed in chronological order.

Jantje (boy pointing) statue in The Hague
Juliana Van Stolberg monument The Hague Netherlands
Willem Prince of Orange monuments The Hague Netherlands
Siege of Leiden monument
Johan van Oldenbarnevelt monument The Hague
Johan De Witt monument The Hague Netherlands
Hugo Grotius monument Delft Netherlands
Treaty of Rijswijk monument
Kings Landing monument Scheveningen The Hague
Dutch Independence monument The Hague
JR Thorbecke monument The Hague
Queen Consort Emma monuments The Hague
Queen Wilhelmina monuments Netherlands
De Boeg WWII maritime monument Rotterdam
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